About Hypnotherapy

If you’re reading this you’re probably curious to know a bit more about hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

  • What is it?
  • What does it feel like?
  • And is it really safe?

And it may surprise you to know that you probably already know more about this than you thought.

Going into a trance is a relaxing, naturally occurring state of mind which happens to you every day. Each time you read a captivating book, float off in a daydream or see an engrossing film you’re in that trance like state that is associated with hypnosis. Although you aren’t consciously aware of everything going around you, you remain conscious throughout and are totally in control at all times.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation for self-improvement and/or the release of problems.

Do you ever find it difficult to resolve problems or change the ways you do things because your ‘conscious mind’ – the bit that ‘talks to you’ , sometimes almost incessantly, gets in the way?

Hypnotherapy allows you to by-pass that chatter and taps into your true thoughts and feelings as well as to realise and benefit from the rich wellspring of experience you already have to draw upon if you did but know it.

With hypnotherapy, once your mind’s usual chatter has been turned off your attention can then be focussed towards particular images, thoughts, feelings, perspectives and behaviours which will help you to change or update things so that you respond differently in future.

Everyone’s experience is unique. And our approach is tailored to achieving the best possible result for you.

It’s a safe and enjoyable process that can change lives in positive and lasting ways. Change yours now and contact us.



"Helen is an incredibly intuitive, warm and empathetic therapist who has a natural hypnotic style. She is approachable, ...
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